Monday, June 2, 2008

Six degrees of Segregation

The people that know me best would definately know that the Baconater digs black people. I don't know whether its the big toothy grins or the dancing ability. I love em all sometimes too much for stuffy old Mrs Bacon. Mrs Bacon will say for example "I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black" or she'll go after a celebrity dinner- "Wow, isn't that Morgan Freeman articulate for a nigger"
Me on the other hand - I love all black culture- Fried Chicken, Peter Dosh, McHammer all that good stuff. I like to touch their afro hair sometimes to make them feel special. So I'd like to pass on some tips if faced with having to interact with a person from the dark continent. Here is my six degrees of segregation

1. Address the male species as "Da Man"- this makes him feel special

2. Ask them where they are from in Africa- this shows interest in their backgrounds

3. Compliment them liberally on they're singing ability (as they all can)

4. Tell them you envy their natural rhythms

5. Tell them that Richard Prior/ Eddie Murphy/ Chris Rock are the best comedians ever

6. Apologize for slavery and .....stuff

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